Privacy Policy

Renáta Balog, as the operator of the website, data manager (hereinafter: Data Controller) and customers (hereinafter: Client), shall handle the data provided by this Privacy Policy on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information. performed in accordance with the provisions of the law. The Data Controller reserves the right to amend the Data Protection Notice.

Information of the Data Controller

Name: Renata Balog
Registered Office/ Mailing Address: 60 Rider Haggard Road NR7 9UG Norwich, UK
Phone number: +44415155466

Scope of data processing

Only natural persons, legal persons, or organizations without legal personality are affected by data management who voluntarily apply on the website

The scope of personal data handled

When applying, the Client provides the following personal data: name, email address.

When submitting a comment, the commenter’s IP address and browser identification string are collected in addition to those specified in the comment form in order to filter out unsolicited content. A depersonalized character string generated from the e-mail address (usually called a hash) is transmitted to the Gravatar service if it is used on the site. The terms of the Gravatar service can be viewed at After the comment is accepted, the content of our comment and our profile picture will be publicly displayed.

If an image is uploaded to the website by a registered user, EXIFs that include GPS position data should be avoided. Website visitors can download these and extract location data from the images on the website.

If you write a comment on the website, the given name, e-mail address and website address are stored in cookies. The storage is for convenience purposes, so you don’t have to fill in these fields the next time you post. The expiration date of cookies is one year.
When you visit the login page, we set temporary cookies in order to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. These cookies do not contain personal information and are deleted when you close your browser.
When logging in to the website, we create several cookies that save the login information and the display options of the editing interface. Login cookies are valid for two days, and cookies storing the display options of the editing interface are valid for one year. If the “Remember me” option is selected, the registration will continue for two weeks. Login cookies are removed when you log out.
If we edit a post or page, our browser stores another cookie. This cookie does not contain any personal data, it simply stores the ID number of the post that we have edited. It will expire in one day.

Embedded content from other websites
Posts available on the website may use embedded content from external sources (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from an external source behaves exactly as if you had visited another website.
These websites may collect information about visitors, use cookies or third-party tracking code, monitor user behavior related to embedded content if you have a user account and are logged in to the site.

Purpose of data management

The purpose of data management is to provide information via e-mail, and to ensure a customer relationship between the Data Controller and the person affected by the data management.

Duration of data management

The data management lasts until the person affected by the data management requests the deletion of the data from the Data Controller.

Method of data management

The Data Controller does not forward the data provided by the Client to third parties, it uses them only to the extent necessary for information.
(This limitation does not apply to the transmission of data permitted or required by law.)

Your rights and remedies related to data processing

Affected by data management:
– you can request information about the management of your personal data,
– you can request correction of your personal data,
– you can request the deletion of your personal data,
– you can object to the processing of your personal data,
– you can go to court if your rights are violated.

The British Information Commissioner’s Office can be used for legal redress and complaints:
Name: Information Commissioner’s Office
Registered Office: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Phone: +44 0303 123 1113